George Harrison: Son of Hari

Bhaktivedanta Manor, August 22, 1973


George Harrison: Son of Hari

George Harrison: "Son of Hari"

George Harrison: "Son of Hari"
Aug 20, 2012 — CANADA (SUN)

The “Son of Hari” website is home to a collection of audio files, some recently released in original form by the Bhaktivedanta Archives, of recorded conversations between Srila Prabhupada and George Harrison.

Srila Prabhupada’s conversations with George on three dates are available: August 22, 1973, August 27, 1973, and July 26, 1976. Each conversation is broken down into multiple parts due to the length of the conversations. Text transcripts are also provided for the conversations below:

Srila Prabhupda: “So this is your duty now. (Laughs) By the grace of Krsna you are one of the great men. Although you are young man, but Krsna has placed you in such a high position that there are many young men who follows you. So that is the instruction.”

Complete MP3 Audio and Text Transcription


August 22, 1973
Bhaktivedanta Manor, London, England

PART I: You are not demon You are demigod  31:13
George Harrison & Srila Prabhupada

 PART II: "Don't spoil your position."  07:42
George Harrison & Srila Prabhupada

PART III:  Spiritual music  19:03
George Harrison & Srila Prabhupada

PART IV: "I will finish off with the sweet. 31:02
George Harrison & Srila Prabhupada

PART VSpiritual recordings  17:30
George Harrison & Srila Prabhupada

PART VIVedic injunctions 09:36
George Harrison & Srila Prabhupada


August 27, 1973
Bhaktivedanta Manor, London, England

Part I: "Whose accusation we shall accept" 38:44
George Harrison & Srila Prabhupada

Part II: George's musical productions 28:51
George Harrison & Srila Prabhupada

Part III: The definition of bhakti 25:46
George Harrison & Srila Prabhupada


July 26, 1976
Bhaktivedanta Manor, Loudon, England

Part I: "You've been so busy..." 10:23
George Harrison & Srila Prabhupada

Part II: Three is given to the enemy. 31:18
George Harrison & SrHa Prabhupada

Part III: They say "George chants Hare Krishna" 23:59
George Harrison & Srila Prabhupada

Part VI: Gurukula and Varnashrama 25:38
George Harrison & Srila Prabhupada

    All audio conversation in one ZIP file (305MB)
: He Love The Lord (Rare)
    George Harrison -- MP3 Audio